horse angle float

Top Reasons to Invest in a Three-Horse Load Angle Float

Transporting horses is part of your responsibilities as a horse owner. However, this task is not as simple as it sounds, as steeds tend to be very particular with the trailers that will haul them. In this case, it is essential to understand the best horse float to use.

We suggest looking for a 3HAL float for sale. Short for a 3-horse load angle float, this type of trailer can accommodate your steeds well and ensure their comfort and safety during travel. But besides being able to carry three horses, what makes this float special?

Why Buy a 3HAL Angle Float

An angle load horse float is a type of float that loads horses at an angle. This kind of horse float also has bigger space, allowing it to accommodate a maximum of three horses in a single journey.

People in Australia often debate if an angle float is better than a single-load one. While the final decision is based on your and the horse’s preference, there are instances where a three-horse load angle float is the better option. Below are several reasons why:

Increased Comfort

Unlike straight-load horse floats, the angle float provides better comfort to horses because of its orientation. Unlike the former, loading horses at an angle is much more natural, decreasing panic and giving comfort to the steed while travelling. If you are having trouble loading your horse in a straight float, consider switching to an angled one.

Enhanced Balance

On top of comfort, the three-horse load angle floats provide better balance. The angled or sideways orientation of the steeds as they are loaded inside lets them balance better and improve posture while being hauled. This is because this stance is natural for them.

More Horses

Do you have more than one horse that needs to be moved across long distances? Instead of using multiple straight-load horse floats, use an angled one. Angled horse floats can carry up to three horses at once.

Best 3HAL Float in Australia

When it comes to three-horse angle load floats in Australia, there is no beating the quality and functionality offered by Euro Horse Shop. Browse our diverse selection of horse floats to find the perfect unit for your application.