Progression of TV Technologies

Progression of TV Technologies from CRT, LCD, LED, OLED

For many years now, the television has become a significant part of every family’s home. Entertainment through television made it possible for people to get in touch with the world through black and white images projected on those big and thick boxes during the 20th century.

Through technological advancement, people enjoyed the black and white moving images, and that channeled to the best of colored television, which also gave way to the invention of computer monitors in Cork and other parts of the world.

CRT Technology

To mark the humble beginnings of the television, the CRT or Cathode Ray Tube was the first colored TV invented by Ferdinand Braun, a German physicist, in 1897. Television by that time was heavy and bulky due to the electron beams commonly referred to as RGB (red, green, and blue) that produces the different colors that are seen on screen—still made many sales worldwide.

LED Displays

The LED or Light Emitting Diode that we know of today made its early beginnings in 1961 through Nick Holonyack, named “father of the LED.” But as far as LEDs are concerned, the groundwork for this innovation was through the discovery of electroluminescence which British radio researcher Henry Joseph Round established.

LCD Displays

By the 1960s, LCDs or Liquid Crystal Display’s invention entered the picture. This discovery led to the creation of the first modern LCD watch that American inventor James Fergason made in 1972. Televisions that LCD Technology powers utilize a backlight source through liquid crystals to illuminate.

Many households opt to have LCD TVs. Other gadgets like LCD laptops in Cork were birthed through this technology because it is energy efficient and saves them money without too much electricity consumption.

Learn more about other TV technology invention through this Irwin’s Megastore infographic.